Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Server Patch information using Powershell

IF you wish to get detailed patch information for server. Please use following command.


Use following to get different parameters of this command.

get-help get-hotfix -detailed

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

please wait for the system event notification service

Solution 1- Issue during user log off.

  1. Start Remote Desktop Services Manager
    Identify the user ID in the Users tab
    In the Processes tab sort by ID
    Go down to the user ID and end the winlogon.exe process
    the user session will be logged off

    Solution 2- Issue during user log on.

    1. sc \\servername queryex SENS
      Then I kill that process with this command
      taskkill /S servername /PID xxxx /F
      where xxxx is the PID from the first command.
      Now I can connect to the server with RDP and I didn’t have to restart the server.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Bulk Port Query


for /f %%C in (ServerName.txt) do (

ECHO %%C >>port_report.txt

portQry.exe -n %%C -o 135,136,137,138,139,445,3389 -p both | find "LISTENING" >>port_report.txt



Friday, January 25, 2013

Handle.exe doesnt work with error "Error loading driver:"

Use Psexe to exexute Handle.exe in that case. Example of command:

PsExec.exe -s handle.exe >output.txt
PsExec.exe -s handle.exe -p 4 -c 36B0